Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 68 - Under the weather

Monday: Hang clean form work
               ie: 5X5 hang pulls and 1 clean
Tuesday: 3X5 Box Squat with 315lbs
                10 min AMRAP ascending ladder by 3's
                 Deadlift with 185lbs
                 Toes to Bar
Wednesday: 5X5 hang snatch pulls and 1 snatch
                     accessory work
Thursday: 3X5 ATG pause squat (high bar) w/ 275lbs
                 accesory work
Friday: Bench 3X5 w/ 225 (pause)
            Snatch grip rack over head press: 3X5 w/ 95lbs
            Accesory work
I was a little under the weather this week. But I still got in some quality work. I must admit, that after doing all of this power lifting, my olympic lifting has kind of gone to the wayside. But I'll be incorporating more Olympic lifts, and for a while I will focus primarily on the Hang, that is where I'm weakest at. I have a good pull just not a very good scoop or extension.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 65 - First WOD in 4 months

Monday: 10 rds:
               10 burpees
               10 pull ups
               10 box jumps 24"
               10 Sit ups
Tuesday: 3 Rep max squat
                3X10 Pin pulls 225, 315, 405
                accesory work
Wednesday: Bench press
                     3 sets w/ 225
                     accesory work
Thursday: Some crossfit WOD, I'm too lazy to type it up... but the time was 13:07
Friday: Speed Squat
            heavy Power clean 275#
            push press heavy 3 reps
            185, 225, 245 (2)
Fun week of WODing and lifting. Monday was my firs CrossFit WOD in like 4 months. It felt good. Stronger, stronger, stronger!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 64 - yes he can still take a nap...

Monday: Run up and down a mountain and take a nap after
Tuesday: 3 Rep Box Squat = 345lbs
                heavy power clean 275lbs
                deadlift work
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: bench 245lbs for 2 sets 5 reps
                 rep 225 BP
                 accesory work
Friday: Speed Squat and deadlift day
            accesory work
Another good week of lifting. After the box squats, that was just conformation that my legs have definitely become stronger.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 63 Easier than ever before!

Wednesday: 5X3 Clean and Jerk w/ 225lbs
                     3X5 Back Squat w/ 315lbs
Thursday: Bench up to a set of 5 with 245lbs
                 Shoulder press
                 Agility ladders
Friday: 5X2 Snatch w/ 185 lbs (205lbs last set)
            3x3 Pause Front Squat w/ 245lbs
            heavy 1 rep Deadlift.... 505 lbs
So I did work out earlier in the week but I don't really remmeber what it was so I just felt like I: would go to the last half of the week. There has only been a handful of times where I have deadlifted over 500 pounds. And Friday was one of them... and it went up easier than ever before. It felt like it weighed 455lbs!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 61 - PR

I tied my snatch PR w/ 235. It has been 14 months since I have even attampted that weight! I also got under 255 but didn't lock out hard enough and dropped it in my head lol.
I also tied my power clean PR w/ 285. Which I also have not attempted for 14 months.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 60 - Stronger and Bigger

SM= (Smithson Machine)
Monday: 3X10 BP w/ 185-225 (SM)
               Tricep, chest, back and ab accesory work
Thursday: 3 rounds for time:
                 30 KB swings w/ 26kg
                 30 Toes to rings
Friday: 1 RM Bench Press (SM) 325 lbs
             Bicep, tricep, shoulder accesory work
I am getting stronger and bigger, and I couldn't be more stoked. I will be increasing the workload to 5 days a week.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 59 - The goal Upper Body Strength

SM= Smithson Machine
Monday: 3X5 FS w/ 275 (SM)
Bicep and back accesory work
Wednesday: 3X5 Bench Press w/ 275 (SM)
  Chest, back, and tricep accesory work
Friday: 3X10 Box squat w/ 225# (SM)
 Leg, back and bicep accesory work
So a lot of improvements are being made. I feel stronger and I am gaining mass. For the next 6 weeks, the plan is to flip flop the days and give a bigger priority to benching and upper body strength.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 58 - Beefy legs

Monday: Run up a mountain 1 mile, run down, 1 mile
               1 RM back squat (Smithson Machine)
                375 lbs PR
Tuesday: Stretch ALOT
Wednesday: EMOTM 3 Rep BP w/ 225 SM
                     plank rest of the minute
                     Then... back and shoulder auxillary work
Thursday: light ab work
Friday: 3X5 FS w/ 275 SM
            Leg and bicep auxillary work
Saturday: move sod
So my legs are still getting stronger... thats nice :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 57 - Weightlifting bodybuilding

(Squats and bench done with Smithson Machine)
Monday: EMOTM 5 FS with 185-225
               10 minutes of bicep and back accesory work.
Tuesday: 3 rounds:
                100 rope slams
                 100 one arm rope slams
                100 sit ups
Friday: EMOTM 1 BS w/ 325
            10 minute bicep and back accesory work
Saturday: 3X5 Bench Press w/ 265
                Chest and tricep accesory work
If this looks like a weightlifting bodybuilding type program... thats cause it is... I need to fill out and I have actually been feeling really good from what I have been doing. Sorry it has been a while ;P

Monday, September 16, 2013

13 months and now on the down side

Elder Yates sent some pictures. They are below:

Yes, he thought he was pretty funning in telling us we were invited to a wedding...

Cotton - random I know...

"Elder Horsey" note the tie and green name tag.

I have no idea what this is suppose to be...

Fun @ IHOP

Isn't Elder Yates creative!

Temple in Gilbert, Arizona - it's a race to see if their temple beats the Fort Lauderdale temple in being dedicated!

Elder Wind and Elder Yates

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 53 - He is still getting after it!

Monday: 5 rounds for quality:
               3 strict muscle ups
               6 ring arm extensions
               9 hanging sit ups
                3X30 second Hollow holds
                3X10 strict pull ups
Tuesday: 3 rounds:
                5 HSPU and 10 shoulder touches
                10 finger pushups
                 20 chair dips
                 3 rounds:
                 10 neck bridges
                  30 second bridge hold
                  20 v-ups
Wednesday: Prasara Yoga 
                     then: 10 min AMRAP
                      candle stick Pistols
Thursday: rest, but lots of biking
Friday: 5 min AMRAP
            KB  Snatch
            5 min AMRAP
             KB jerk
            5 min AMRAP
            KB Cl and Jrk
Saturday:  EMOTM for 10 min: 
                  5 KB thrusters each side (increase to seven reps, 3 min in)
This was a good week of Body weight strengthing and KB conditioning. I have been out for a year. And for the year that I have been out, I have seen that the most effective changes and gains that I get to my body and performance is when I focus on body weight movements and KB conditioning drills. Especially since I sold my weights. I have still been seeing gains. Even with the demanding schedule that I have been facing weekly, I still have been getting after it!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 51 - He hasn't forgotten his blog...

OK.... so I know that it has been a while. But I am going to atempt to update you in what types of WOD's I have been doing for the last few weeks.....
I have made a transition from doing WOD's with weights, to WOD's with my own body weight again. And I must say that I am happy with what I have seen so far.... So I have gained 10 pounds. Some of it is a little puj, but I have been for the most part been keeping up with my weight. Two weeks ago I PR'd on my handstand pushups by getting 25 in a row. The WOD consisted of seeing how many I could do in a minute. I ended up stopping at 25 because I wasn't sure how much time I had left. Needless to say, I was a little un happy that I didn't keep going when I had a lot more juice left. I also did a WOD where I did 2 sets of 100 push ups, again a PR.  I am still going strong! Fear not, I have not forgotten about my blog!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week 47 - Legs are getting stronger

Monday: 5 rounds:
               10 Kb snatch w/ 26 kg each
               1 min one arm rope slam each
Tuesday: Active airdyne rest ride
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3X5 BS w/ 325 SM PR
                 10 min AMRAP
                  5 BP w/ 205 lbs
                  agility ladder run
                  10 knee raises
                   agility ladder run
                   8 something
Friday: 4 rft:
            10 dead hang pull ups
             15 hspu"s
             20 burpee's
             17 something
Saturday: 4 rounds:
                 10 BP w/ 225
                  10 lat row w/ 200 something
                  20 decline sit up w/ 45 lbs
Sunday: Rest
This week was a hard week to get in any workouts. A lot of meetings and a lot of time constraints. But I tried to make the best of it. I am grateful for the work that I did get in, and I am happy about my squats and bench press this last week. My legs are still getting stronger... funny :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 46 - Rough week for WODs

Monday: 50 Bp w/ 185 SM
             50 pistol squats
Tuesday: 10 minute AMRAP
               20 Squat rope slams
               20 sec L sit
               20 Dub's
               7 something
Wednesday: 3 rds:
                   20 bent over row with 50 lbs dumbbells
                   20 burpee's
                   400 meter run treadmill
Thursday: 3X5 Back squats w/ 315 SM
               accesory work
Friday: 5 rds: 
           10 curls w/ 40 lbs dumbbells
           10 Alternating one arm push ups
            5 something
            accessory work
Saturday: rest

This last week was rough as far as working in WOD's are concerned. But worked with what I had. My legs are still getting oddly stronger . So my goal in getting stronger legs is still going strong! 

Week 46 - Rough week for WODs

Monday: 50 Bp w/ 185 SM
             50 pistol squats
Tuesday: 10 minute AMRAP
               20 Squat rope slams
               20 sec L sit
               20 Dub's
               7 something
Wednesday: 3 rds:
                   20 bent over row with 50 lbs dumbbells
                   20 burpee's
                   400 meter run treadmill
Thursday: 3X5 Back squats w/ 315 SM
               accesory work
Friday: 5 rds: 
           10 curls w/ 40 lbs dumbbells
           10 Alternating one arm push ups
            5 something
            accessory work
Saturday: rest

This last week was rough as far as working in WOD's are concerned. But worked with what I had. My legs are still getting oddly stronger . So my goal in getting stronger legs is still going strong! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 45 - He sold his weights!

Monday: 21-15-9
               DL w/ 315
               4 something
Tuesday: 50-40-30-20-10
                Double unders
                 Thrusters w/ 135
                  5 min flat
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 5 Rounds
                 400 meter run on Treadmill
                 1-minute battle rope burpee's
Friday: Back Squats (had to leave the gym because of TV :(
Saturday: 3 Rounds
                 30 legs raises on dip stand
                 40 foot hand stand walk
                 100 mini rope slams
This last week was a lot of fun! I sold my plates, but I bought a battle rope! Not that heavy but it gets the job done, and it seems pretty durable. I was super happy with Monday, and Tuesday's WODs. Many because I PR'd (i think) and the HSPU's and Thrusters felt SUPER smooth! Pretty good for a guy who weighs 212. I am loving life out here, and I am actually really loving working out here. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 43 - Squats feeling a little shaky.

Monday: 2 rep Heavy Front Box Squat w/ 100 lbs tension, then 2 rep Heavy Back Box Squat w/ same tension (205,265)
Then 3X5 Good mornings w/ 225 and 235
Accessory work after
Tuesday: 3 RM BP w/ 20 undulating pounds (245)
              accessory work
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
                    500 meter Ski Erg
                    20 KTE 
                    10 Power cleans w/ 185
                     18 something
Thursday: Speed (front) Box squat w/ 100 lbs tension
               Speed deficit Deadlift 
               Accessory work
Friday: Speed Bench Press
           Accessory Work
Saturday: CURL's FOR GIRLS!!!!

So Front rack box squats are freaking tough. I would argue to say that they are harder than Cambered bar or Safety bar Box Squats.  You have to Arch like crazy, and there is tons of pressure on the wrists. But this was a good week of lifting, my Dead lifts are feeling really good, but my squats have been feeling a little shaky.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 42 - He used weights more this past week

Monday: Variation off of Regional event 6 workout. Couldn't finish it cause the gym closed lol.
               But I played some golf and basketball afterwards for about 3 hours
Tuesday: 3 Rep BS w/ heavyweight
                3 X max rep pin pulls (405 for 7)
                                                   (365 for 15)
                                                   (315 for 21)
                3X30 leg press FAST FAST FAST!
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 10X3 Speed bench, w/ bands
                  5 rounds for time
                  1 DB BP w/ 100 lbs each
                  2 w/ 90 lbs
                  3 w/ 80 lbs
                  4 w/ 70 lbs
                  5 w/ 60 lbs
                  19 something
                   3X10 bent over DB row w/ 60 lbs
Friday: 10X2 speed box squat w/ bands
            10X1 speed DL
            3X10 Dead hang leg lifts
            3X20 Hamstring curl
Saturday: Rest
So this week was a little off on the programming. On Tuesday, my legs didn't feel all to strong, so I didn't go that heavy on the squats. My upper body felt really good this week though... And if your looking at this and your like... WHERE's the CrossFit! I know I know! This is Westside Barbell programming. This might be one of the only chances that I get on my mission to be in a facility like this, so I'm going to take advantage of it by getting proffiecient at the Power Lifts. Plus, ever since the end of the winter, my body has been feeling really fatigued from the constant waking up early and ten minutes later, trying to push it on a CrossFit WOD. So my focus is on getting stronger.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 41 - He says thank you for the Birthday Shout Out CrossFit Hardcore

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes! I normally don't go on the blog, but something told me that I had better look. I was not expecting that. Thank you!

And congratulations to CrossFit Hardcore for the success that you have had at Regional's. Can't believe that that was over a year ago!

Know that I am working out everyday. I actually live next to a YMCA, and have actually been following to Westside Conjugate System. I am not in the best shape, but I am actually getting stronger.

I love you all! My prayers are with you Adriana and Lance that you will have and find success!

Take care, and go workout so hard that you puke! 

Baptism of Abigail and Shawn

Book of Mormon found at Founder's Rock

Camo Missionary!

Elders in San Tan Valley

Founders Rock

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 39 - He was transferred to San Tan Valley, AZ

Monday: 3X5 BS w/ 275 (Smithson machine) Wide stance
              3X5  BP w/ 235
              accessory work after
Tuesday: heavy Power clean: 265lbs
                10-8-6-4-2 Power clean and jerk w/ 185
                 200 meter sprint in b/t rounds
                 7 something minutes
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Heavy 2 rep deadlift= 455 lbs
                 "Ski Jackie"
                  1000 meter ski machine
                   50 thrusters w/ 45lbs barbell
                   30 pull ups
Friday: 3X5 BS w/ 275 Wide stance
            3x5 BP w/ 225
            3x8 bent over row w/ 185
            Crap load of biking!
Saturday: active stretch
I'm finally in the middle of the Arizona desert!!!! I came to AZ expecting this! And I finally got it!
Right now I live next to a YMCA, so they have access to lots of weights. The "Ski Jackie" WOD was lots of fun, I really like the ski machine thing.... But the pace is considerable slower that on the rower, but it was none the less an awesome WOD!
Since I have access to all of these weights and I may not have that kind of access again any time soon, I will be focusing mostly on strength. Especially since I bike around all day. But I will be following as much as I can of the Westside conjugate system. This time with both lower and upper days. I will be taking a step back from Oly lifting, so I can solely focus on the Power lifts which are something I'm not the best at!

These are pictures that Elder Yates asked me to put on his blog. Unfortunately I'm not clear on everybody's name so they are just randomly put here. Logan is not in San Tan Valley, AZ.

His address is: 

4096 East Sierrita Rd
San Tan Valley AZ 85143

He would love letters/cards!

Elder Carroll - third son

Elder Carter - 2nd son

Elder Sawyer... who is now dead (I think he means gone home?)

Legit Desert!

Elders having a good time...

Week 38 - I'm tardy with this one...

Monday: "Annie"
              Double Unders 
              Sit ups
              all done with a gas mask which reduce's oxygen intake be 70%
              For Time:
              30 Lunge's w/ 225
              60- pull ups
              90 SDLHP's w/ 26 kg KB
Tuesday: 3X5 Min AMRAPS w/ 1 min rest in b/t
              1: 10 Kb snatch (total)
                   10 HSPU's
              2: 10 WTF's 
                  20 Hollow Rocks
             3. Kb Bear Complex (Burpee, SDLHP, KB Swing)
              *All done with gas mask
Wednesday: Active Stretch
Thursday: 5X2 Power Snatch w/ 165lbs
               12 Min AMRAP
                3 DL w/ 310 lbs
                6 chest slap push ups
                9 Decline sit ups w/ 50 pounds
Friday: 3x5 BS w/ 275 (Smithson)
           3X5 BP w/ 225 (Smithson)
           3 Rounds:
           1 strict press w/ 145
           1 pull up
           3 strict press w/ 145
           3 pull ups
           5 strict press w/ 145
           5 pull ups
Saturday: 10 rounds w/ 2 min rest in b/t
                50 yard sandbag run w/ 120lbs
                50 yards shuttle sprint.

This last week was a rocker! That gas mask makes quite a difference. After you use it, even if it's only for a little activity, it wears you out fast!
I have lost some strength. But I have every intention to get it back. I am looking forward to this next week!

1st Edition Book of Mormon - appraised $5 million

Awesome Day!

Cody Callaway, Mike Seitz, Elder Manu-Tuinei. and muah!

Just finished wrestling Elder Fox

I'm in a pool

Best Zone Eva!

Elder Fox before he goes home a third time for medical reasons

Zone Conference