Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 65 - First WOD in 4 months

Monday: 10 rds:
               10 burpees
               10 pull ups
               10 box jumps 24"
               10 Sit ups
Tuesday: 3 Rep max squat
                3X10 Pin pulls 225, 315, 405
                accesory work
Wednesday: Bench press
                     3 sets w/ 225
                     accesory work
Thursday: Some crossfit WOD, I'm too lazy to type it up... but the time was 13:07
Friday: Speed Squat
            heavy Power clean 275#
            push press heavy 3 reps
            185, 225, 245 (2)
Fun week of WODing and lifting. Monday was my firs CrossFit WOD in like 4 months. It felt good. Stronger, stronger, stronger!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 64 - yes he can still take a nap...

Monday: Run up and down a mountain and take a nap after
Tuesday: 3 Rep Box Squat = 345lbs
                heavy power clean 275lbs
                deadlift work
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: bench 245lbs for 2 sets 5 reps
                 rep 225 BP
                 accesory work
Friday: Speed Squat and deadlift day
            accesory work
Another good week of lifting. After the box squats, that was just conformation that my legs have definitely become stronger.