Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 18 - He's feeling AWESOME!

Monday: 3 rounds:
              - 20 Dead lifts w/ 50 lbs DB's
              - 10 Ground to Shoulder w/ 120 lbs Sandbag
              - 10 Strict press w/ 50 lbs DB's
             2 hours of Baseball and Volleyball
Tuesday: 5X5 Back squat w/ 275 (smithson Machine)
               5 rounds:
                             - 20 reps Db bench press w/ 50 lbs
                             - Max rep Strict Pull ups
Wednesday: 10 down to 1
                     Thrusters w/ 50 pound DB's
                    1 up to 10
                     Inverted Rows
Thursday: 12 Minute AMRAP
                3 Double DB Snatch
                3 HSPU's
Friday: 3X5 Back Squat w/ 285 (smithson Machine)
           30 reps for time
           Ground to shoulder w/ 120 lbs Sandbag
Saturday: 3 Rounds:
               400 meter run (treadmill)
               20 Burpees
               Same ab workout from last week.

This past week was an AWESOME week of work outs. Now I know I know, using a Smithson Machine for squats is pretty lame. But a missionary I serve with made a good point that 300 pounds on a Smithson Machine probably does more that two 50 pound dumbbells. I thought about what he said and I decided to try it. Even though its diferent and easier, just because I don't need to focus on using as much core as apposed to a regular barbell. Its finally allowing me to Isolate my legs and get stronger in my legs which makes me happy. I am sure at some point while I am out here I will get my hands on a good, old- fashioned barbell. Otherwise, this week was awesome! Nutrition has been pretty crappy though.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 17 - Sand Bag full of rocks

Monday: 20 minute AMRAP
              - 5 swing to lunge (per leg) w/ 26 kg KB
              - 10 arm rolls
              - 10 bear squats
              - 10 tripod touches
              5 rounds
Tuesday: 5 rounds:
                            - 5 shin box squats w/ 26 kg KB (per side)
                            - 10 Bridge Spins (per side)
                            - 10 WTB's
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 15 minute AMRAP
                - 5 KB Snatches (per arm)
                - 10 push ups
                   16 rounds + 5 reps
                   (ended up doing 20 total rounds just to do it, got 18:35)
Friday: 5 rounds
           3 Ground to Shoulder w/ 120 lbs Sandbag
           6 Squats w/ SB
           9 Hand Stand Push ups
           6: 35
           Decline bench, ab burnout sit ups
           10 reps w/ 45 plate
            5 with out
            10 w/ 35 plate
             5 with out
             10 w/ 25 plate
             5 with out
             10 w/ 10 plate
             5 with out
             10 w/ 5 plate
              5 with out
              10 w/ 2.5
               5 with out
               10 w/ 45 plate
               5 with out
               all in one set... owwww!!!
Saturday: 10 minute AMRAP
                - 10 lunges w/ 120 lbs Sandbag
                - 10 burpee's
                7 rounds

This week I finally filled my sand bag back up w/ rocks. So I am happy to be lifting some awkward weight again. I definitely feel a difference when I lift objects like that. A lot of these work outs were fun and great to do. The WOD's on Monday and Tuesday incorporated Circular Strength Training. If you don't know what it is look it up. Its great stuff. But other than that, I am happy I have access to some heavier loads again. Marry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 16 - New Address

2222 N. Mcqueen Rd. #1064
Chandler AZ

Monday: 5 rounds:
                          5 Turkish Getups w/ Kb (per arm)
                          10 OH KB Squats (per arm)
                          20 KB swings
                        an hour of Basketball
                        5 minute AMRAP
                        Burpee Box jump (36 inch box)
Tuesday: For time:
                           1 mile run (on treadmill) 6:06
                            3 rounds:
                            50 Push ups
                            50 KB Tater Squats
                           1 mile run (on Treadmill) 6:09
Wednesday: Rest.... but a lot of biking

Thursday: "Fight gone weird" (altered version)
                3 rounds of 5 one minute stations (rest 30 seconds b/t stations)
                1. Double unders
                2. Lunges (in place)
                3. Sit ups
                4. One arm KB thrusters w/ 26 KG (switch at 5 per arm)
                5. Ring Rows
Friday: 21-15-9
           Ring dips
           KB swings
           rest 2 minutes
           KB Tater Squats
           rest 2 minutes
           Hand stand push ups
           pistol Squats
           6 or 7 ~
Saturday: Prasara Yoga

This past week has been a whirlwind. A lot of changes have happened to the area I am serving. And I am in a new place. And I am biking again... I can already see the difference 5 days have played to the size and definition in my legs. I don't know why, but biking does wonder's for my lower body, more so than a lot of other things such as squats. (Even though I need to do a lot of squats)

Other than that I am happy with how this weeks workouts played out. They were all very challenging, and I noticed improvement. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 15 - Nutrition was crappy >:(

Monday: 3 7 minute AMRAPS (back to back)
             1. 10 KB Squat Snatches (5 per arm)
                 10 HSPU's
             2. 14 KB Push jerks (7 per arm)
                 14 burpees
             3. 20 KB swings
                 20 air squats
Tuesday: 21-15-9
              DB thrusters w/ 45 pound dumbbells
              lateral jumps over 18 inch object
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
                                 30 KB swings
                                 30 burpees
                                 30 deck squats
                              Muscle ups
                               KB snatch (per arm)
Thursday: 3 hours of football
                an hour of baseball
                an hour of basket ball
Friday: 3 rounds:
                        100 double unders
                         50 push ups
                         50 hollow rocks
                          mile run on treadmill 
Saturday: 12 minute AMRAP
                5 Squat cleans w/ 2 45 pound dumbbells (bumped it up to 10 after round 4)
                5 HSPU's with dumbells to increase distance
                20 minute AMRAP
                10 Pistol Squats (total)
                 10 burpees
                  20 Sit ups
                  9 rounds and some situps
                  continued after time cut off and went to 11 rounds

Remember how I said I would be working out at a high school gym this week... yeah that didn't happen. Which is a good thing too because I found out that I'm moving to a different area this week. 
Over all, very good week of training. I am feeling BETTER! Everything is running smoothly and I feel as though I am improving. The Muscle- up, KB snatch work out on Wednesday was a test. It came from the blog from 5th place 2011 Games finisher Blair Morrison. I wanted to compare and see what my time would be next to his. He got 17:46 at I'm guessing around 6'1 and 185 lbs. I got it done in 18:54 at about 6'2 and 210 lbs. At a bigger frame and a heavier weight, I am happy with that time, but of course I still need to improve. But after completing the 55 muscle up workout, I was satisfied and my wrists absolutely mangled from the false- grip. But I am happy!
Great week! But the nutrition was crappy >:(

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 14 - Happy Thanksgiving!

OK so I don't really have an entry today, because this last week was a lot of experimenting to the point that it would be too much of a hassle to write down what I did. Lets just say that this week involved a lot of body weight strengthening  movements. I am improving there; however, I am getting burnt out with the same old thing. I want to lift weight, heavy weight, and I will probably get approval to workout at a high school weight room, I am excited for that. 

One of the biggest lessons I have been learning since I have been here is that it really doesn't matter what type of training you do, just as long as you hit it with intensity, just go balls to the wall, and improvements will occur. When I do start working out at the high school weight room, I will start basing my programming off of CrossFit Football. Why? Because I have done it in the past and have seen huge improvements then. Plus its simple, easy to follow, and manageable. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 13 - He's feeling a little burnt out

1.       Monday: 3 x 10 Bulgarian Squat w/ 45 pound dumbbells (each side)
                 12 minute AMRAP
                 20 Renegade row with 45 pound dumbbells
                 20 push ups
                  2 hours of basketball and football
                5 rounds
                20 pull ups
                10 windmills (per side) w/ 26kg KB
Tuesday: 5 rounds
                 5 box jumps 36 inches
                Lateral depth jumps
                One suicide run
               3 suicide runs (for speed)
               20 box jumps 36 inches
Wednesday: 9-7-5
                        Muscle ups
                        Squat snatch w/ 26 KG KB (per side)
                         4 rounds
                        10 HSPU’s
                        10 burpee lateral hops 18 inches
                        10 pistol squats
Thursday : 3x 5 minute AMRAPS
                      KB snatch w/ 26 KG
                     KB tater squats
                     KB Clean and jerks
                     2 min rest in between
                     (5 burpee drop penalty, one switch allowed)
Friday: Two mile run on treadmill
             Sub 12 minutes
            10 rounds
            20 goblet squats w/ 26 kg KB
            10 strict pull ups
Saturday: 4 rounds
                  10 one arm over head sit ups w/ 30 pounds (per side)
                  20 burpees
                  40 double unders
Sunday: rest

This last week was rough. I really like Wednesday and Friday’s workouts. However, I feel my joints aching from doing all of these straight metcons. And I am also feeling a little burnt out. So I will be throwing a wrench in the mix, I will be focusing on a lot of gymnastic and Kettlebell specific strength work outs, and twice to maybe three times a week I will do traditional CrossFit Metcons. My routine needs a change.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 12 - Got sick but still he pressed on

Monday: 3X3 floor sitting pistol squats w/ 26 kg KB (per leg)
              KB Swings
              Power Snatch and Power Clean work
              Back Squats
               Muscle Ups
              KB Tater Squats
               Double Unders
               10 min something
Tuesday: Quick ladder Agility Drills
              Get sick
Wednesday Recover from sickness
                  7 minutes of KB complex's w/ 26 KG (Burpee, SDLHP, KB Swing)
                  40 something
                  3X10 KB windmills (per side)  
                  KB flip work
Thursday: 10 sets:
                20 Push ups (any variation)
                10 Strict pull ups (any variation)
                 10 rounds:
                                10 jump squats w/ 35 pound dumbbells
                                20 burpees
Friday: "Tabata Something Else"
            KB Swings w/ 26 KG
            Lateral Jumps over 18 inch bench
            Lunges (in place) w/ KB
Saturday: 2X 1 mile run on Treadmill
               1st: 6:26
               2nd: 6:06
               7 minute AMRAP accending ladder 3,3,6,6,9,9....
                DB thrusters w/ 35 pound dumbbells
                Clapping push ups
Sunday: rest

This last week was really interesting... I got sick in the middle of the week so that made all of the other workouts for the rest of the week that much harder. However, I did get a chance to swing by a Recreation Center with some other missionaries last Monday and used the barbells there. What I noticed was very eye opening. As far as Olympic lifts go, I have not lost much, really I haven't lost any explosiveness or strength in the Olympic lifts, if anything I actually felt better about my form because my body finally got the rest it deserved from the constant beating that it got before from the Olympic lifts. 
Squats were a much different story.... leg strength has always been a weakness of mine, and it showed. What was light before felt heavier, plus because of all the walking and tightening of muscle that I have been exposed to since I have been out hear, squatting with a weight just didn't feel all that comfortable. 
I realized that I am improving, with my own body weight, which originally was the goal. If that means sacrificing some strength with heavy weight, I'll take it. 
On the flip side. Running, Biking, Gymnastic movements, everything is feeling great. I'm feeling myself get better with my 200 pound + frame and I am also gaining mass. (Good Mass ;) I am loving life! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 11 - Includes some pictures that he has taken since the start of this journey

Monday: Hour of Basketball and Football
              partner burpee ladder 
              3,3,6,6,9,9.... all the way up to 30
Tuesday: EMOTM for 10 minutes
              5 thrusters w/ 26 kg kettlebell (per arm)
              then EMOTM for 10 minutes
              5 snatches per arm w/ KB
Wednesday: 20 Minute AMRAP
                   5 Squat cleans w/ 45 pound dumbbells
                   10 walking lunges with 45 pound dumbbells
                    10 v-ups 
                    13 rounds + 1 squat clean
Thursday: 30 minutes of running
Friday: 5 rounds:
                        10 KB snatches per arm
                         20 renegade row w/ push up using 45 pound dumbbells
                         60 double unders
Saturday: Rest

This last week I felt really beat up. My legs were sore all throughout the week, and I just felt tired. So I added in the extra rest day with Saturday. However, I am still improving. Earlier this week, I came very close to holding an iron cross. Closer than I have ever been before. I can crack out well over 10 muscle ups with ease. And handstand push ups are becoming easy.... EASY.... Book, you would be proud of me. Body weight strength is now becoming a strength, which I am stoked about, because that is what I wanted to become extremely proficient at by the end of my mission.... mastering my body no matter how much I weigh... and right now I know that my training is working... PUMPED!!!!   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 10 - Carbon Monoxide Alarm went off - they moved...

Monday: 20 min AMRAP
             3 muscle ups
             6 Handstand Push ups
             9 Kettlebell Swings w/ 26 kg
             11 rounds and 1 HSPU
             two hours of basketball and football
             4 rounds of
             50 unbroken push ups
             50 unbroken sit ups
Tuesday: 7 Minute AMRAP of pull ups sets of 5 (9 sets + 4 reps)
              7 Minute AMRAP of walking lunges w/ 26 kg (110 reps)
              7 minute AMRAP of Burpees (103 reps)
              all back to back AMRAPS, no rest
Wednesday: 10 berm sprint (a 50 meter sprint to a 20 or 30 yard uphill sprint)
                    fastest set 15.81 seconds
                    3X10 of Squat holding a approx. 150 pound rock
Thursday: 5 rounds:
                            10 wall walks
                            40 meter shoot throughs (wrestling drill)
                 EMOTM for 20 minutes
                 5 clean and jerks with 26 kg kettlebell (per side)
Friday: 5 rounds:
                        10 strict toes through rings
                        10 hand stand push ups
                        20 sumo deadlift high pulls w/ 26 kg
Saturday: 30 minutes of running

This past week was really good. I am feeling stronger and stronger at body weight movements. 
Something that I have been finding that has really worked for me is making sure that I get good volume in when I train. I don't mean multiple workouts a day. I mean making sure I do enough reps of something or a long enough duration of something to get a response. What I have been finding as a result is that I am feeling stronger (even if I am not lifting barbells) and I am starting to put on more muscle mass. For a long time I have done heavy weight that forces me to do few reps at a time. Even though that makes someone strong. High repetitions with a weight or movement that forces someone to focus on form and quality with quantity will give a better response and will prevent injury as opposed to just going heavy all of the time. I'm sure those who know me will be surprised to see I just said that, because I LOVE going heavy. But I need to rather focus on working my weaknesses and be a better CrossFitter... not a better Olympic Weightlifer.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 9 - Lots happening!

Monday: 52 reps of stone to shoulder w/ a squat
              150 + pound rock. No time limit. Focus on form and work put in.
                Double Unders 
                Sit ups 
                5:55 PR
                2 hours of basketball
Tuesday: 15 Muscle Ups
               3 Rounds
               30 KB swings w/ 26 kg
               200 meter uphill carry w/ KB
               30 box jump overs w/ 20 inch boulder
               200 meter downhill carry w/ KB
               15 Muscle ups
                Forgot my stop watch. Under 20 minutes
Wednesday: Alternating partner quick ladder drills for 10 minutes
                   Alternating partner 5 reps KB snatch w/ 26 kg for 10 minutes
                   10 KB Tater squats
Thursday: 5x3 Strict Muscle ups
               5x3 Bulgarian Dips
               10 minute AMRAP 
                20 hollow Rocks
                20 meter handstand walk 
                3 rounds
Friday: 2 laps around a 800 meter track
           4 stations along the way 
           1st: 50 Flutter Kicks (1,2,1 count)
           2nd: 50 push ups
           3rd: 50 mountain climbers (1,2,1 count)
           4th: 100 air squats
Saturday: 15 minute AMRAP 
                10 KB snatch w/ 26 kg per arm
                 20 burpees
                 6 rounds

This last week I realized that I need to start focusing a lot on gymnastic strength. And movements that improve overall flexibility. With the daily work that we have to do. I've been noticing that I have started becoming less flexible. So a lot of the WOD's I will be doing for the up coming weeks will be focused on a lot of basic strength. And working on what basic movements I need to work on. I'm happy with the Annie PR. And next week I will post the video of it. I'm continuing to lean out, which is exciting. And I'm starting to feel better in areas that I sucked at before. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 8 - Bigger Legs

Monday: 12 min AMRAP
              5 G2S with 170 pound sandbag
              20 yard carry
              10 squats
               two hours of football
               Every minute on the minute for ten minutes
               20 Kettlebell swings with 26 kg
Tuesday: 3X20 of kettlbell front squats (each side)
               3X30 of kb sit ups
               Tabata WTF's
Wednesday: 3.5 mile run
                   10 Minute AMRAP w/ partner alternating rounds
                   10 burpees
                    1 buzz saw on speed ladder
                    10 minute AMRAP w/ partner alternating rounds
                     20 yards shuttle sprint pulling 40 pound sandbag
Thursday: 6 rounds
               5 tire flips with approx. 600- 700 lbs
               10 burpee tire jump throughs
Friday: 9-7-5
           Muscle up
           Stone 2 shoulder w/ around 150 pound rock
Saturday: 12 minute AMRAP
                7 toes through rings
                7 plyo push ups 2 12 inch object
                14 lunges holding 150 pound rock

This past week was full of a lot of fun workouts. I've been feeling a little beat up, but other than that, everything is great... except the nutrition lol. Oh... and my legs are getting really muscular from the biking :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 7 - Constant and never-ending improvement

This weeks blog entry:

Monday: 3X15 pause front squats w/ 60 pound kettlebell (each side)
              30 per arm clean and jerk w/ KB
              3 hours of football and basketball
              Speed and Agility
Tuesday: EMOTM for 20 minutes KB tater squats
              don't remember
Wednesday:   20 minute AMRAP
                     40 yard sandbag carry with approx: 170 lbs
                     20 hand release push ups
                     11 1/2 rounds
Thursday: 3 rounds
               5 MU's
               20 Pistol squats
               50 DUB's  
               30 per side
               KB thruster
               5: 34
Friday: 3 Rounds 
           10 170 lbs sandbag squats
            20 handstand push ups
            40 dub's
            11 something minutes
            10 minute alternating partner Kettlebell complex
Saturday: 10 rounds
                10 KB jerks
                 10 circle sit throughs
                  (5 rounds each side)
                   8:06 (miserable!)
                  Speed and agility

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 5

Elder Logan Yates did not provide me (his Mom) his weekly workout schedule he did however ask me to post the following:

This past week has flown by, a lot of good things are happening in this area. We had about a dozen lessons, even though a good number fell through. One of our investigators came to church yesterday but only stayed for sacrament, I hope she will continue to find interest. 

This past week I saw this quote on the back of a CrossFit magazine that Book sent me. I don't remember it word for word but I'll paraphrase it the best I can.

"Don't settle. Don't be satisfied with pats on the back, or a nod. Strive, burn, and do everything you can to be greater. Rage against the tepidness and mundane with every fiber or whatever makes you, you. Change this place."

I pinned it up on my wall and this past week I've been thinking about it all of the time. This area has been a little slow in the past for when it comes to finding new members. But Elder Manu- Tuinei and I have committed to changing that. Everyday we come home tired, but we know that everyday we have put in the work that is expected of us. 

One thing that I have seen while being here, is how hard Satan works against missionaries. This whole week, we have had opposition, ridicule, doubt, and even before we started to e-mail today, a man approached us using a Bible verse on us saying that the Angel Moroni was an impersonation of Satan. Satan has worked against me to make me waver on what I believe or my own faith in God and myself. However, with all of these oppositions, I just smile, because I know what I'm doing is right....

Nothing worthwhile in life comes without opposition. In order to see the light, sometimes the dark must be endured. I'm happy to be here. Because I know its where I need to be. I have already caught a glimpse in this past month of where I will be at the end of two years. And I know I must reach that point. And I know that opposition will come. But more than anything, I know that I can be of some worth to the people whom I serve, and why would I have stayed back home to fulfill my own goals, when I can help others. I think I'm understanding now what it means to "lose yourself," I always thought or pictured it being a total shift from the kind of person you already are. But now I see that its not being subject to and not allowing all of the little insecurities and restrictions hold you back. The mission for missionaries is simple. Bring the Gospel to others. With no girlfriend, school, or work. I can focus solely on the work here. No restrictions. And I'm grateful for that once in a life time opportunity. Because I know that after my mission I will need to learn how to continually "lose myself" even with the duties of everyday life.

I know that it is a big task in front of both me and Elder Manu-Tuinei. But I feel as though that God will help us succeed in whatever task he requires of us here. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 4 - Now in Arizona

Since I've arrived in Arizona, I've been averaging 20+ miles a day biking, so the workload is surprisingly a lot. I've had to make do with being flexible with nutrition, because I'm being fed by others, so I eat what they give me. But for how much moving we're doing throughout the day, the more calorie dense food is actually a plus. And I've lost weight and am in the 190's. Gymnastic movements are becoming easier and easier, and I feel like I have more energy. Bottom line, I'm improving. And I'm so grateful that I am.

Monday: Bulgarian squats for 3 sets and ab work
             "Death by Thruster" w/ 35 pound dumbbells
               16 rounds then called it because of time
              2.5 mile run
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 4 rounds 
                    20 hand release push ups
                    20 jumping lunged (holding 20 lbs DB overhead)
                    20 sit throughs
Thursday: EMOTM
               20 double unders and 30 yard sprint
               10 rounds
               1 stair case fast foot ascent
              5 burpee, high knee jump.
Friday: 5 rounds:
                       6 lever arm balance holds
                       10 rocca lunges
Saturday: 10 minute AMRAP w/ 20 pound back pack
                5 strict pull ups (on the under side of a stair case)
                10 knees jumps
                7 rounds
                  Double unders
                  Sit throughs
                 100 sit ups

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 3 - last week at the Mission Training Center

Elder Yates would be happy to answer any questions! Thanks for following!

Monday: 15 minute AMRAP
              3 db squat cleans w/ 70 #'s
              6 deload push ups
              9 air squats
              14 rounds
              3 sets of 15 db bench press
              Ab work
              2 mile run
Tuesday: 5 rounds
               10 WTF's
                20 Pistol squats
                30 double under's
                13 something
                 volleyball :)
Wednesday: 1k row
                   "Grace" w/ 2 70 # db's
                   1k row
                   13 something
Thursday: 7 rounds
                10 deadlifts w/ 75# dumbbells
                 10 handstand push ups
                 Everyminute on the minute
                 5 body raises
                 5 lateral depth jumps over 15" objects (both ways)
                 10x2 speed box squat
                 w/ 2 75 pound dumbbells
                 (thats for you Lance ;)
Friday: 2 1/2 mile run
           pullups and push ups after
Saturday: volleyball

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 2 in Missionary Training Center

Elder Yates reports that he has lost a few pounds but is feeling very good.

Here are his workouts for the week:

Monday: Every minute for ten minutes:
               3 cleans w/ 2 75 pound dummbells
               EMOTM for 10 minutes:
               10 yard broad jump
                2k row
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 5 rounds of each:
                     one minute on one minute off
                     Hanstand walk
                     Double unders
                     Stict pull ups (sets of 5)
Thursday: 3 sets of 5 Bulgarion Squats with 50 lbs dumbbells

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 1 of 2 year mission

Logan entered the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah on Wednesday August 15, 2012

Here are his workout entries:

Monday: 10 fronts squats w/ 185
                10 over bar burpees
                 10 overhead squats w/ 185
                 10 burpees
                  10 back squats w/ 185
                   30 Double unders
                    10 front squats
                     30 double unders
                       10 overhead squats
                      30 double unders
                      10 back squats
                      time: 14:03
Tuesday: rest w/ basketball
Wednesday: L- sit and parrellete push- ups work
                     7 minute AMRAP
                     5 squat cleans w/ 35 pound dumbbells
                     5 burpees
                     10 rounds
Thursday: rest
Friday: 30 minute AMRAP
            250 meter row
            6 single arm dumbbell snatch w/ 75 pounds (per arm)
            6 hand stand push ups
            11 rounds
Saturday 10 rounds
                10 burpees
                 160 meter run
                    ... then
                    4 sets of five sit to pistol squats (per leg)
The Spirit and motivation that being here has given me, is motivating me to challenge myself and push my self harder than ever before. For example, I have never programmed a 30 minute AMRAP or a 10 round workout for myself. God bless!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"When the time for performance arrives, the time for preparation is past."
-Thomas S. Monson

This has always been one of my favorite quotes. I think most of us can relate to what these words mean. However; doesn't it seem like most of our life requires performance without any intentional preperation? Aren't we sometimes asked to do "hard" things before we are even ready? The answer is yes. Life can be unfair, cruel, and miserable. The momentary trial we are asked to endure often seems to heavy and large to bear. Sometimes we ask why. Sometimes we even whine and complain. None the less the obstacle must be scaled, the mountain must be climbed, our cross must be carried. Yet, at the end of our momentary hell on earth, we look back and have a choice; we either learn from the experience and grow, or we become consumed by the experince and become a victim of the circumstance. In the end, we learn a lesson; in turn, we become prepared for the next experience.
I think thats the hidden message of this quote. We prepare while we perform...
Recently, I've been asked by some why I'm leaving on a mission, what it entails, and how long I will serve. To answers these questions I thought it appropriate to give a basic description of what a typical day will look like for me while I serve my mission:
6:30 a.m. Arise, pray, exercise (30 minutes), and prepare for the day.
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Personal study: Old testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and other scriptures.
9:00 a.m. Companion study: share what was learned from personal study, prepare to teach, practice teaching, study, and confirm plans for the day.
10:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. Proselyte, visit with members, teach lessons, and perform service. (And hour is permitted for lunch, and dinner should be around 6:00 p.m.)
9:00 p.m. Return home, make plans for following day, write in journal, prepare for bed, pray.
10:30 p.m. Lights out
I will be serving my mission for a period of two-years.
Now, I know that the regimen  may seem strict, rigid and unforgiving. And to tell the truth, it is. If I deviate from any major part of this daily routine or any major mission rule the result is being sent home early. While I serve my mission I can't text, Facebook, or call any family or friend from home. Yes, letters and e-mail is permitted, and I can call home to my family two days out of the year (Christmas, and Mothers Day). I can't watch T.V. or movies. When I work, I have to be in a white shirt and tie. I have to always be in sight and sound of my companion (the other missionary I work with). And I can't date while serving.
Extreme, I know. The rules are laid out, and they may seem unreasonable and unfair. So with all these rules and requirements (and these are only a few), why on earth would I serve a mission?!
To answer that question, I'll ask all of my friends who do CrossFit or any other sport, hobbie, passion or career: Why do you do what you do? For CrossFit, we are always given rules and requirements to meet in order to perform a workout or task. Form and standards must be met. Reps must be completed. And nutrition must be clean in order to put forth as best performance as possible. Flat out, the workouts suck. The WODs leave you squirming in pain, feeling exhausted and utterly spent. So why would someone ever even think about doing CrossFit?! Everyone has a different opinion, but to me like others, I do CrossFit because its awesome. The long term results from doing CrossFit greatly out weigh the short term pain and agony. With that in mind, the pain becomes normal, and the movements and workouts fun.
This is no different. While I serve my mission, I am indeed required to meet all of these rules. However, I have personally seen the joy and peace that comes to an individual who is ernestly seeking the message that we as missionaries have to give. I don't care if you don't believe in what I believe in, or even if your dead set against what it is my faith and religion stands for. But I think almost anyone can agree that there is as much evil as there is good in the world. And with all that is wrong and corrupt in the world, with all those who are lost and who are pleading and crying for help. Shouldn't there be more people willing and ready to give a helping hand to those less fortunate? With that said, why wouldn't I serve a mission? Why wouldn't I help another human being? There is nothing more rewarding than being part of a cause that brings about the peace and happiness of another individual. Service is the greatest calling there is. True, service can come in many forms, but this is the way I have chosen to serve.
Yes the rules are strict and rigid, but I don't care. For the nineteen years I have lived, I have been preparing for this moment. All young men who are raised in my faith are prepared for missions. I have gone through many "performances" already, that have all taught and prepared me for this one immense mountain that I must climb. Yes, my personal goals and desires will be put on hold for a short period. But the rewards that are around the corner are far more wothwhile than any other reward or persuasive temptation to not serve. How do I know this? Because my father served, my grandfather served, my uncle's, cousins, and friends have all served; and I have seen the joy and happiness such service has brought to their own lives, and I want that same joy. I am ready to serve, and I look forward to all of the challenges and trials that come with this service.
After all, it will be fun.

This will be my last post before I leave for the mission field. So I must say thank you.
First of all, thank you Mom and Dad for being the most supportive and amazing parents that any child could ask for. And thank you for all you have taught me to ultimitely prepare me for this moment. Thank you to my older brother Trevor for your example and guidance that has helped build me into the man I am today. Thank you Summer, my sister, for your constant, unwaivering care and love in all of my pursuits. And thank you Ryan for your support and goodness, even though you have only recently joined our family, I can't imagine our family without you.
Thank you to all of my relatives: aunts, uncles, and cousins for your example and support. And thank you especially to my Grandparents for your guidance and love. Thank you to my friends, all of you who have been there with me causing trouble and building memories since youth. Thank you to all of my leaders and friends in the Boca Ward and Wellington Ward.
To Adriana Grassi-Moseley and Lance Moseley, first of all, thank you for giving me a job (lol). But most importantly, thank you for giving me the opportunity and privilege to be apart of your family and represent that family in competing. Thank you to all of my teammates; Omar, Book, Steve, Rachel, and Gabriela for your push, support and inspiration. And thank you to all of my other friends and family at CrossFit Harcore, I will always be grateful for the last eight months I have had with all of you. And I look forward to returning in two years time.

I am grateful to Christ and my Father in Heaven for all of the people and good spirits that have been placed in my life. And I am grateful for the chance and privilege I have to perform in the most important moment of my life at this time. I cant wait to serve.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

One month....
Today marks one month till the time I leave for my service as a missionary to the people of Tempe, Arizona.
My mind has been running wild, with a roller coaster of impressions and emotions I'm sure will soon follow.
I've been thinking back to this last year. What has occurred since last July, the people I've met, and the experiences I have had.
This last week was the 2012 CrossFit Games, and it seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my apartment up at BYU-I watching the 2011 CrossFit Games. As a CrossFitter, I find it pretty safe to assume that most if not all CrossFitter's feel more motivated and inspired at the end of witnessing the Games. The feelings and impressions I experienced I feel are worth sharing.
 I remember at the end of last years competition, I realized I wanted to at least make it to the Regional level of competition whether that be with a team or as an individual. I felt motivated and driven to obtain my goal. Gratefully I can say I accomplished that goal....
One year later, my love for the sport is just as strong if not stronger. However, the impressions and feelings I have experienced are... different.
You see, if I was in a position to look forward to competing next year, I would probably feel even more motivated to take my competition experience in CrossFit to the next level by competing in the Games. However, I'm not in that position. In fact, I can't even look forward to competing for two years. Some would feel discouraged, and perhaps assume that any future of competing would be long lost. Yet, that's not what I felt...
Rich Froning and Annie Thorisdottir are the first back to back CrossFit Games champions. First of all, congratulations to these two amazing athletes. I have never had the privilege to meet Annie and witness how she compete's and trains first hand, but I have met Rich, and I have seen how he trains.
What most impresses me about this individual is that EVERY rep and EVERY movement looks the same as when he starts and when he ends. He is perhaps the most consistent CrossFit athlete. His placing in the Games only reinforces that statement.
A lot of CrossFitter's like to either go "balls to the wall" at the start of a WOD and end up suffering later in the workout. Or they decide to "pace" way to much that the find that more energy needs to be exerted at the end of the WOD in order to finish in a decent time. Any great athlete knows that consistency is what makes the difference between good and great.
A few months ago I had the privilege to meet Rich at my home affiliate, CrossFit Hardcore, as he got a photo shoot and an interview. Before he started his workout, I assumed I would see an all- out, "balls to the wall" effort put in. But much to my surprise, it almost seemed as though Rich was going slow! I recall, watching bewildered at the fact that he wasn't going, what it seemed, all- out. But as I watched I saw him done way faster  than I had expected. I then realized that he wasn't moving slowly, he was moving smoothly. As a result, yes, he worked hard, and he went all- out. But he wasn't so jittery and all over the map with his pacing that he was just wasting energy and totally spent.
This is something you will always find as Rich's strongest trait. Rich wasn't totally dominating the leader board until a little later in the competition. And his 3 first place finishes only came later on in the weekend. He was so consistent with his placing, that he found himself almost 100 points ahead of Matt Chan who came in second- place, by the end of the competition...
So what does this have to do with me leaving in just a month? Well to answer that question I have one word, consistency. Until now I was totally freaked out and stressed trying to figure out how I'm going to keep up my conditioning, strength, and speed while in an austere environment. But after this weekend, from witnessing the Games and other experiences I realized that it really doesn't matter. Yes, I want to compete in the Games. Yes I want to continue to grow and improve so that I can compete at a high level. But more than all of that I want to be as fit as I can be for as long as I can.
Watching Rich I realized that he isn't the strongest, he isn't the fastest, he isn't even the most conditioned. But he is without doubt the hardest worker. 
"But wait! Rich is over training!"
"He's going to get injured!"
"He can't keep up this level of performance for to long."
Everyone had their doubts. And all of the comments that Rich isn't a smart athlete is a load of bull.
Rich listens to his body. But more than that he knows when to push his body and how far to push it. And I would dare say that he will be constantly improving for years to come.
And he is CONSISTENT with how he trains. As a result, he is the champ.
On my mission, I'll be honest, I have no idea how I'm going to train. I have no Idea what I'm going to train with. But all I know is that I WILL train. And that training will be CrossFit. What ever state of fitness I will be in two- years from now, I know I will be better than I am now because CrossFit works and I'm striving to be consistent...

On a side note, congrats CrossFit Atlanta, Talayna Fortunato, Chase Daniels, and all other Dirty South athletes! Way to represent!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

As I mentioned in my weekly update, I would be dedicating a separate post to my training day from this past Thursday. 
I was asked by some youth leaders in my church in Florida to help out with life guarding at a 3 day long youth camp in a 400,000 acre Ranch that my church owns up in central Florida, in which myself and a few others would help protect the lives of 700 young men. Gladly I accepted, recruited some help and traveled to the swimming hole which I would watch over for two days. Let me just say that this was one of the coolest set ups for a swimming pool I have ever seen. The swimming hole was a huge 20 foot hole in the ground that had an artesian well constantly pumping water into it. The hole consisted of a long wooden deck, a wooden high dive, a giant slide made from an inner tube, a huge rope swing set up, and a zip line that was taken down unfortunately. 
Aside from the stress of saving around 12 young men from drowning and sending 2 young men to the hospital after a "head on" collision on the high dive. The experience was very enjoyable.
After our shift was over on Thursday, I decided to work out. I made an on the fly WOD that consisted of burpee's, air squats, swimming and muscle ups.... I set up the ring off the wooden high dive, so the entire time I was dangling a few feet above water while doing muscle ups. 
I'm not sure what the final time was at the end of the workout because my stop watch didn't work... This is something I'm very grateful for. You see, while I love being in the gym WODing. I feel as though a lot is lost in the real purpose of what CrossFit is mean't for if we just restrict ourselves to the gym. 
CrossFit was originally designed to help keep our Armed Service Members alive, help the obese father live longer to see his children grow, and get the soccer mom in shape to keep up with her kids. There are many examples of what CrossFit is designed for, but the foundation and bottom line of CrossFit is "real world." We rarely have a stop watch when helping someone move houses. A box isn't shaped into a nice comfortable barbell when we squat down to pick it up. And, on the extreme side, a soldier, police officer, or firefighter doesn't think about his/her back position, hip drive, or breath when saving someones life or stopping the bad guy. 
When we train outside of the gym, and expose ourselves to austere and uncomfortable environments and situations. We are exposed to the most "real life" kind of work outs we may ever find. Lifting odd, weird objects prepare us for any sort of shape or size a heavy load may come in. In addition, if you are an aspiring Games athlete, the "weirdness" of this type of training gives a very good variance to any training regimen. 
So when I finished my workout on Thursday, I looked back thinking "that was fun." The slick wetness and dirt of the deck I did burpee's and squat's off of  challenged me to remain tight and be cautious of my footing. The murkiness of the water as I swam forced me to continually be aware of my sense of direction. And finding a proper false grip to execute muscle ups was especially difficult due to the wet grip and rings. The sun beat down on me the entire time, and I finished the workout knowing I did something good. 
For almost a year now I have been following and paying close attention to the training style of Games Athlete Blair Morrison. (Below is a link of his blog for those who are interested.) This guy knows his stuff, and he is so resourceful and intelligent that he can come up with a dreadful workout anywhere, anytime, and with anything. This guy spent a year in Europe training for the 2010 CrossFit games with limited equipment and no training facilities. Sounds familiar. :) 
Get outside and train!