Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 59 - The goal Upper Body Strength

SM= Smithson Machine
Monday: 3X5 FS w/ 275 (SM)
Bicep and back accesory work
Wednesday: 3X5 Bench Press w/ 275 (SM)
  Chest, back, and tricep accesory work
Friday: 3X10 Box squat w/ 225# (SM)
 Leg, back and bicep accesory work
So a lot of improvements are being made. I feel stronger and I am gaining mass. For the next 6 weeks, the plan is to flip flop the days and give a bigger priority to benching and upper body strength.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 58 - Beefy legs

Monday: Run up a mountain 1 mile, run down, 1 mile
               1 RM back squat (Smithson Machine)
                375 lbs PR
Tuesday: Stretch ALOT
Wednesday: EMOTM 3 Rep BP w/ 225 SM
                     plank rest of the minute
                     Then... back and shoulder auxillary work
Thursday: light ab work
Friday: 3X5 FS w/ 275 SM
            Leg and bicep auxillary work
Saturday: move sod
So my legs are still getting stronger... thats nice :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 57 - Weightlifting bodybuilding

(Squats and bench done with Smithson Machine)
Monday: EMOTM 5 FS with 185-225
               10 minutes of bicep and back accesory work.
Tuesday: 3 rounds:
                100 rope slams
                 100 one arm rope slams
                100 sit ups
Friday: EMOTM 1 BS w/ 325
            10 minute bicep and back accesory work
Saturday: 3X5 Bench Press w/ 265
                Chest and tricep accesory work
If this looks like a weightlifting bodybuilding type program... thats cause it is... I need to fill out and I have actually been feeling really good from what I have been doing. Sorry it has been a while ;P

Monday, September 16, 2013

13 months and now on the down side

Elder Yates sent some pictures. They are below:

Yes, he thought he was pretty funning in telling us we were invited to a wedding...

Cotton - random I know...

"Elder Horsey" note the tie and green name tag.

I have no idea what this is suppose to be...

Fun @ IHOP

Isn't Elder Yates creative!

Temple in Gilbert, Arizona - it's a race to see if their temple beats the Fort Lauderdale temple in being dedicated!

Elder Wind and Elder Yates