Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 24 - Crossfit any where

Monday: Death by Clean and Jerk w/ 135
              10th minute
              3X10 (total) Lunges w/ 225 (in place)
              3 rounds:
              10 bent over rows w/ 135
              30 situps w/ 26kg KB
              Sand volleyball
Tuesday: 100 deadlifts w/ 225
               10 HSPU drop penalty
                13 something minutes
Wednesday: 7 rounds:
                    3 Over head Squats w/ 225
                    6 L- Pull ups
                    9 Burpees
                    28 something
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5 minutes burpee's
           Muscle Clean work
Saturday: EMOTM
              for 10 minutes
              5 muscle Snatches w/ 135
              EMOTM for 10 minutes
              5 Bulgarian Ring Dips
Sunday: Rest

I am loving the plates! It's kind of interesting because I can't drop the plates since their metal, I feel like I am getting stronger just because I am so focused on not messing up that me form is better. Something I will be incorporating a lot of are good ole fashioned muscle clean's and snatches. The reason being is that may upper body is relatively weak when is comes to Olympic lifts or just weightlifting in general. But I will be balancing that out with squats and a lot of lower body work as well. My conditioning has gone down a bit, but I attribute that to poor nutrition. But over all I am noticing many changes. Squats which use to be my most hated and worst lift, have now become my favorite and one of my best lifts. Squats have also become my fall back lift. If I am ever in doubt, I'll just squat, before it was snatch, but now its squat. CrossFit any where baby!

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