Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 45 - He sold his weights!

Monday: 21-15-9
               DL w/ 315
               4 something
Tuesday: 50-40-30-20-10
                Double unders
                 Thrusters w/ 135
                  5 min flat
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 5 Rounds
                 400 meter run on Treadmill
                 1-minute battle rope burpee's
Friday: Back Squats (had to leave the gym because of TV :(
Saturday: 3 Rounds
                 30 legs raises on dip stand
                 40 foot hand stand walk
                 100 mini rope slams
This last week was a lot of fun! I sold my plates, but I bought a battle rope! Not that heavy but it gets the job done, and it seems pretty durable. I was super happy with Monday, and Tuesday's WODs. Many because I PR'd (i think) and the HSPU's and Thrusters felt SUPER smooth! Pretty good for a guy who weighs 212. I am loving life out here, and I am actually really loving working out here. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 43 - Squats feeling a little shaky.

Monday: 2 rep Heavy Front Box Squat w/ 100 lbs tension, then 2 rep Heavy Back Box Squat w/ same tension (205,265)
Then 3X5 Good mornings w/ 225 and 235
Accessory work after
Tuesday: 3 RM BP w/ 20 undulating pounds (245)
              accessory work
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
                    500 meter Ski Erg
                    20 KTE 
                    10 Power cleans w/ 185
                     18 something
Thursday: Speed (front) Box squat w/ 100 lbs tension
               Speed deficit Deadlift 
               Accessory work
Friday: Speed Bench Press
           Accessory Work
Saturday: CURL's FOR GIRLS!!!!

So Front rack box squats are freaking tough. I would argue to say that they are harder than Cambered bar or Safety bar Box Squats.  You have to Arch like crazy, and there is tons of pressure on the wrists. But this was a good week of lifting, my Dead lifts are feeling really good, but my squats have been feeling a little shaky.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 42 - He used weights more this past week

Monday: Variation off of Regional event 6 workout. Couldn't finish it cause the gym closed lol.
               But I played some golf and basketball afterwards for about 3 hours
Tuesday: 3 Rep BS w/ heavyweight
                3 X max rep pin pulls (405 for 7)
                                                   (365 for 15)
                                                   (315 for 21)
                3X30 leg press FAST FAST FAST!
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 10X3 Speed bench, w/ bands
                  5 rounds for time
                  1 DB BP w/ 100 lbs each
                  2 w/ 90 lbs
                  3 w/ 80 lbs
                  4 w/ 70 lbs
                  5 w/ 60 lbs
                  19 something
                   3X10 bent over DB row w/ 60 lbs
Friday: 10X2 speed box squat w/ bands
            10X1 speed DL
            3X10 Dead hang leg lifts
            3X20 Hamstring curl
Saturday: Rest
So this week was a little off on the programming. On Tuesday, my legs didn't feel all to strong, so I didn't go that heavy on the squats. My upper body felt really good this week though... And if your looking at this and your like... WHERE's the CrossFit! I know I know! This is Westside Barbell programming. This might be one of the only chances that I get on my mission to be in a facility like this, so I'm going to take advantage of it by getting proffiecient at the Power Lifts. Plus, ever since the end of the winter, my body has been feeling really fatigued from the constant waking up early and ten minutes later, trying to push it on a CrossFit WOD. So my focus is on getting stronger.