Monday: 3X5 OHS w/ 225
4 Rounds:
10 Push press w/ 135
20 push ups
30 double unders
Tuesday: 10 Rounds:
10 225 deadlift
10 toes through rings
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 6 rounds:
3 Push jerk w/ 225
6 front squats w/ 225
9 KB swings w/ 26kg
26 something
Friday: 3 rounds:
10 Burpee Muscle-ups
50 Double Unders
400 meter run
21 something
Saturday: Rest (but lots of moving furniture and wheelbarrows of dirt)
Soooo.... I think I'm getting stronger. Which is pretty dang exciting. I have never done 3 sets of 7 reps with 225 overhead squat before. Sooooo..... that cool. One thing I have been noticing though is that me wind has gone down. Queen, you would not be happy with me. So I will start incorporating a little more running or a little more monostructural movements with my training.