Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 27 - Getting Stronger

Monday: 3X5 OHS w/ 225
              4 Rounds:
              10 Push press w/ 135
               20 push ups 
               30 double unders
Tuesday: 10 Rounds:
               10 225 deadlift
               10 toes through rings
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 6 rounds:
               3 Push jerk w/ 225
               6 front squats w/ 225
               9 KB swings w/ 26kg
               26 something
Friday: 3 rounds:
           10 Burpee Muscle-ups
           50 Double Unders
           400 meter run
           21 something
Saturday: Rest (but lots of moving furniture and wheelbarrows of dirt)

Soooo.... I think I'm getting stronger. Which is pretty dang exciting. I have never done 3 sets of 7 reps with 225 overhead squat before. Sooooo..... that cool. One thing I have been noticing though is that me wind has gone down. Queen, you would not be happy with me. So I will start incorporating a little more running or a little more monostructural movements with my training.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 26 - Six months have gone by

Monday:  EMOTM for 20 minutes:
               3 power cleans w/ 225
Tuesday: 2X Max rep back Squat w/ 225
              1st: 26
              2nd: 32
              5X5 Snatch Balance w/ 135
Wednesday: Prasara Yoga and Arm bar Stretch
               3 Rounds:
                15 Hand Power Cleans w/135
                15 Burpee's
                     5X5 Strict press w/ 135
                  "Israeli Commando Challenge"
                   EMOTM for 20 min
                   6 Fall hops
                   6 tripod windmills
                   6 Plow Situps
                   6 Bear Squats
           3 rounds:
           3 min AMRAP Pull ups on rings
           3 min AMRAP KB swings w/ 26kg
           3 min AMRAP Box jump on 30+ in tree stump... branch.... thing.
           330 reps
               3X 5 min AMRAP's
               Sandbag load onto 36 inch ledge w/ 120 pounds
              42,46,46     134 reps total
This last week had its own challenges, but was also kind of a de- load. Even though the squats on Tuesday had some after math. I know that I could have done more reps. My past back injury was just nagging around rep 22 of that second set of squats. After I was done, my lower back started seizing up, so I'm glad I called it at rep 32. 
Otherwise, great week with a lot of great workouts!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 25 - Improving bit by bit

             3X5 Front Squat w/ 225 ( 5- second pause at the bottom of each squat)
             3X10 Good Mornings w/ 135
             3X5 Strict Press w/ 135
             2X20 Sots press w/ barbell
           10X100 meter Sprint
            14.13 seconds fastest time
             5 rounds for time:  all w/ 135 lbs
              9 deadlifts
              6 hang power snatches 
              3 overhead squat
           5X10 second count L-Sit
               100 overhead lunges w/ 135
                - 5 stiff legged clean to strict press drop penalty w/ 135
          15 min AMRAP
           3 Muscle- ups
           6 sandbag load w/ 120 pound sandbag
           9 Push ups
           8 rounds + 2 muscle ups
              3 rounds for time:
                15 Back Squats w/ 225 (22 reps on the last round)
                30 Double unders
                400 meter run approx.
Sunday: Rest

This past week I felt like challenging myself a bit. To start it off with pause front squats with a good amount of weight set my week off just right. Tuesday's workout was a bench mark, I'm not sure as to whether or not that was a PR or not. Thursday's workout was another benchmark from, and that was a PR by almost 9 minutes. And Saturdays workout was a challenge, but turned out to be a lot smoother than I was expecting. I'm discovering a lot about my particular strengths and weaknesses. And I'm also seeing that it is possible to improve, even during a mission.