Wednesday: 5X3 Clean and Jerk w/ 225lbs
3X5 Back Squat w/ 315lbs
Thursday: Bench up to a set of 5 with 245lbs
Shoulder press
Agility ladders
Friday: 5X2 Snatch w/ 185 lbs (205lbs last set)
3x3 Pause Front Squat w/ 245lbs
heavy 1 rep Deadlift.... 505 lbs
So I did work out earlier in the week but I don't really remmeber what it was so I just felt like I: would go to the last half of the week. There has only been a handful of times where I have deadlifted over 500 pounds. And Friday was one of them... and it went up easier than ever before. It felt like it weighed 455lbs!