Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 53 - He is still getting after it!

Monday: 5 rounds for quality:
               3 strict muscle ups
               6 ring arm extensions
               9 hanging sit ups
                3X30 second Hollow holds
                3X10 strict pull ups
Tuesday: 3 rounds:
                5 HSPU and 10 shoulder touches
                10 finger pushups
                 20 chair dips
                 3 rounds:
                 10 neck bridges
                  30 second bridge hold
                  20 v-ups
Wednesday: Prasara Yoga 
                     then: 10 min AMRAP
                      candle stick Pistols
Thursday: rest, but lots of biking
Friday: 5 min AMRAP
            KB  Snatch
            5 min AMRAP
             KB jerk
            5 min AMRAP
            KB Cl and Jrk
Saturday:  EMOTM for 10 min: 
                  5 KB thrusters each side (increase to seven reps, 3 min in)
This was a good week of Body weight strengthing and KB conditioning. I have been out for a year. And for the year that I have been out, I have seen that the most effective changes and gains that I get to my body and performance is when I focus on body weight movements and KB conditioning drills. Especially since I sold my weights. I have still been seeing gains. Even with the demanding schedule that I have been facing weekly, I still have been getting after it!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 51 - He hasn't forgotten his blog...

OK.... so I know that it has been a while. But I am going to atempt to update you in what types of WOD's I have been doing for the last few weeks.....
I have made a transition from doing WOD's with weights, to WOD's with my own body weight again. And I must say that I am happy with what I have seen so far.... So I have gained 10 pounds. Some of it is a little puj, but I have been for the most part been keeping up with my weight. Two weeks ago I PR'd on my handstand pushups by getting 25 in a row. The WOD consisted of seeing how many I could do in a minute. I ended up stopping at 25 because I wasn't sure how much time I had left. Needless to say, I was a little un happy that I didn't keep going when I had a lot more juice left. I also did a WOD where I did 2 sets of 100 push ups, again a PR.  I am still going strong! Fear not, I have not forgotten about my blog!