Monday: 5 rounds for quality:
3 strict muscle ups
6 ring arm extensions
9 hanging sit ups
3X30 second Hollow holds
3X10 strict pull ups
Tuesday: 3 rounds:
5 HSPU and 10 shoulder touches
10 finger pushups
20 chair dips
3 rounds:
10 neck bridges
30 second bridge hold
20 v-ups
Wednesday: Prasara Yoga
then: 10 min AMRAP
candle stick Pistols
Thursday: rest, but lots of biking
Friday: 5 min AMRAP
KB Snatch
5 min AMRAP
KB jerk
5 min AMRAP
KB Cl and Jrk
Saturday: EMOTM for 10 min:
5 KB thrusters each side (increase to seven reps, 3 min in)
This was a good week of Body weight strengthing and KB conditioning. I have been out for a year. And for the year that I have been out, I have seen that the most effective changes and gains that I get to my body and performance is when I focus on body weight movements and KB conditioning drills. Especially since I sold my weights. I have still been seeing gains. Even with the demanding schedule that I have been facing weekly, I still have been getting after it!