Monday: 5 rounds:
10 Kb snatch w/ 26 kg each
1 min one arm rope slam each
Tuesday: Active airdyne rest ride
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3X5 BS w/ 325 SM PR
10 min AMRAP
5 BP w/ 205 lbs
agility ladder run
10 knee raises
agility ladder run
8 something
Friday: 4 rft:
10 dead hang pull ups
15 hspu"s
20 burpee's
17 something
Saturday: 4 rounds:
10 BP w/ 225
10 lat row w/ 200 something
20 decline sit up w/ 45 lbs
Sunday: Rest
This week was a hard week to get in any workouts. A lot of meetings and a lot of time constraints. But I tried to make the best of it. I am grateful for the work that I did get in, and I am happy about my squats and bench press this last week. My legs are still getting stronger... funny :)