Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 36 - No entry but Pictures

Elder Logan Yates did not supply with an entry this week but did forward pictures.

He is doing great! We get to speak on the phone to him (I'm hoping Skype) on Mother's Day. Can't wait!

Thanks for all of your support of Logan! - Love his Mother, Linda Yates


                                                                Like a Boss!

                                                        The Fly Didn't Die

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 35 - He forgot his WOD booklet...

So I forgot my WOD booklet. Which tends to make me forget what the workouts were that I did the last week.

But I can remember 2 WOD's from off the top of my head:

7 rds: 3 Power Cleans w/ 225
         4 Ring Hand Stand push-ups
         7:32 or something like that
21 rounds and 11 squats PR

Oh and also I Pr'd on one of my worst WOD's "Diane" with a time of like 5:19 or something like that. Not good, but an improvement. (I put a hole in our apartment wall from the Handstand push-ups when I did this WOD, that may have slowed down my time lol.)

And if anyone would like to send letters or anything like that, here is my mailing address:
2222 N. McQueen APT: 1064
Chandler, AZ

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 34 - EMOTM WOD's...

log Entry:

So I just want to take some time to rave about EMOTM WOD's....

On Wednesday I did EMOTM for 20 minutes:
                                                     2 Power cleans w/ 225 (increase to 3 reps half way)
                                                     4 over bar burpee's
I just have to say, that if you are ever on a trip. Recovering from an injury. Want to get in great skill work. Or just get stronger while getting conditioned. Do EMOTM training. 

I think there is a reason why Rich Froning and some of the other big name CrossFitter's do this type of WOD set up quite a bit. Because this type of training forces you to have to improve on form as you get tired.

What I mean by that is that by time the 15th minute came around on Wednesday's WOD, I was starting to get really tired. But I still had to get each set done in under 20 second's if I still wanted ample time to rest. So what I had to do was rely on my form to carry me through the rest of the workout. Because when you become really fatigued in EMOTM workouts, you can't just muscle through the movement, because your going to end up failing, and haveing to rest an entire minute before you can pick up the bar again, or jump on the ring's again, or what ever. 

Plus EMOTM workouts are a really good way to avoid overtraining. Because you are still allowing for rest in the workout. But since the focus is form and being efficient. You actually build better body mechanics and learn how to recover faster. Plus you can make this type of training as intense or non-intense as you'd like.

All great athlete's do some sort of interval training in there practices. And EMOTM is just that. So its a great way to improve in CrossFit and continue to get fit.

See! I love this type of training. But at the same time nothing compares with good ole' fashioned CrossFit WOD's. But it is very easy to overtrain and plateau if all you do are WOD's like Fran or Murph. So inspect your training. And balance out what kind of workout's you need to do.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 33 - 13.4... plus pictures

            I heard what the workout was and I was excited. I did the WOD at Firebird CrossFit, and lo and behold.... I sucked! HAHA 89 reps at 6:30 in the morning was a good wake up call.

I think it's interesting at how at ease and at peace I am about sucking so bad on these WOD's. Last year I would be freaking out. I think that I am learning something important for when I come back and compete again.... That CrossFit isn't everything, and its not the end of the world if I don't PR or do phenomenal on WOD's. I think that I am also learning how to approach the Open for when I come back.... Last year I would get myself super pumped and work super hard to get into the zone and perform "OK." This year I am learning how to relax and almost not care. For example. Last weeks WOD was the repeat workout from last year where my PR was 257, but I scored 250 last week. Last year I tried to get super serious and super focused. This year, I'm out of shape, my conditioning sucks, and I woke up about half an hour before I even did the WOD. And I was only seven reps short from my PR. For a missionary that's pretty good. 

So moral of the story. Its good that I am doing the Open WOD's while I am out here on the mission because it is teaching me to relax, and perform in a very chilled, and  noncompetitive state.

But it was a super fun workout, and I will definitely be doing it again in the future.