Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 15 - Nutrition was crappy >:(

Monday: 3 7 minute AMRAPS (back to back)
             1. 10 KB Squat Snatches (5 per arm)
                 10 HSPU's
             2. 14 KB Push jerks (7 per arm)
                 14 burpees
             3. 20 KB swings
                 20 air squats
Tuesday: 21-15-9
              DB thrusters w/ 45 pound dumbbells
              lateral jumps over 18 inch object
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
                                 30 KB swings
                                 30 burpees
                                 30 deck squats
                              Muscle ups
                               KB snatch (per arm)
Thursday: 3 hours of football
                an hour of baseball
                an hour of basket ball
Friday: 3 rounds:
                        100 double unders
                         50 push ups
                         50 hollow rocks
                          mile run on treadmill 
Saturday: 12 minute AMRAP
                5 Squat cleans w/ 2 45 pound dumbbells (bumped it up to 10 after round 4)
                5 HSPU's with dumbells to increase distance
                20 minute AMRAP
                10 Pistol Squats (total)
                 10 burpees
                  20 Sit ups
                  9 rounds and some situps
                  continued after time cut off and went to 11 rounds

Remember how I said I would be working out at a high school gym this week... yeah that didn't happen. Which is a good thing too because I found out that I'm moving to a different area this week. 
Over all, very good week of training. I am feeling BETTER! Everything is running smoothly and I feel as though I am improving. The Muscle- up, KB snatch work out on Wednesday was a test. It came from the blog from 5th place 2011 Games finisher Blair Morrison. I wanted to compare and see what my time would be next to his. He got 17:46 at I'm guessing around 6'1 and 185 lbs. I got it done in 18:54 at about 6'2 and 210 lbs. At a bigger frame and a heavier weight, I am happy with that time, but of course I still need to improve. But after completing the 55 muscle up workout, I was satisfied and my wrists absolutely mangled from the false- grip. But I am happy!
Great week! But the nutrition was crappy >:(

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 14 - Happy Thanksgiving!

OK so I don't really have an entry today, because this last week was a lot of experimenting to the point that it would be too much of a hassle to write down what I did. Lets just say that this week involved a lot of body weight strengthening  movements. I am improving there; however, I am getting burnt out with the same old thing. I want to lift weight, heavy weight, and I will probably get approval to workout at a high school weight room, I am excited for that. 

One of the biggest lessons I have been learning since I have been here is that it really doesn't matter what type of training you do, just as long as you hit it with intensity, just go balls to the wall, and improvements will occur. When I do start working out at the high school weight room, I will start basing my programming off of CrossFit Football. Why? Because I have done it in the past and have seen huge improvements then. Plus its simple, easy to follow, and manageable. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 13 - He's feeling a little burnt out

1.       Monday: 3 x 10 Bulgarian Squat w/ 45 pound dumbbells (each side)
                 12 minute AMRAP
                 20 Renegade row with 45 pound dumbbells
                 20 push ups
                  2 hours of basketball and football
                5 rounds
                20 pull ups
                10 windmills (per side) w/ 26kg KB
Tuesday: 5 rounds
                 5 box jumps 36 inches
                Lateral depth jumps
                One suicide run
               3 suicide runs (for speed)
               20 box jumps 36 inches
Wednesday: 9-7-5
                        Muscle ups
                        Squat snatch w/ 26 KG KB (per side)
                         4 rounds
                        10 HSPU’s
                        10 burpee lateral hops 18 inches
                        10 pistol squats
Thursday : 3x 5 minute AMRAPS
                      KB snatch w/ 26 KG
                     KB tater squats
                     KB Clean and jerks
                     2 min rest in between
                     (5 burpee drop penalty, one switch allowed)
Friday: Two mile run on treadmill
             Sub 12 minutes
            10 rounds
            20 goblet squats w/ 26 kg KB
            10 strict pull ups
Saturday: 4 rounds
                  10 one arm over head sit ups w/ 30 pounds (per side)
                  20 burpees
                  40 double unders
Sunday: rest

This last week was rough. I really like Wednesday and Friday’s workouts. However, I feel my joints aching from doing all of these straight metcons. And I am also feeling a little burnt out. So I will be throwing a wrench in the mix, I will be focusing on a lot of gymnastic and Kettlebell specific strength work outs, and twice to maybe three times a week I will do traditional CrossFit Metcons. My routine needs a change.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 12 - Got sick but still he pressed on

Monday: 3X3 floor sitting pistol squats w/ 26 kg KB (per leg)
              KB Swings
              Power Snatch and Power Clean work
              Back Squats
               Muscle Ups
              KB Tater Squats
               Double Unders
               10 min something
Tuesday: Quick ladder Agility Drills
              Get sick
Wednesday Recover from sickness
                  7 minutes of KB complex's w/ 26 KG (Burpee, SDLHP, KB Swing)
                  40 something
                  3X10 KB windmills (per side)  
                  KB flip work
Thursday: 10 sets:
                20 Push ups (any variation)
                10 Strict pull ups (any variation)
                 10 rounds:
                                10 jump squats w/ 35 pound dumbbells
                                20 burpees
Friday: "Tabata Something Else"
            KB Swings w/ 26 KG
            Lateral Jumps over 18 inch bench
            Lunges (in place) w/ KB
Saturday: 2X 1 mile run on Treadmill
               1st: 6:26
               2nd: 6:06
               7 minute AMRAP accending ladder 3,3,6,6,9,9....
                DB thrusters w/ 35 pound dumbbells
                Clapping push ups
Sunday: rest

This last week was really interesting... I got sick in the middle of the week so that made all of the other workouts for the rest of the week that much harder. However, I did get a chance to swing by a Recreation Center with some other missionaries last Monday and used the barbells there. What I noticed was very eye opening. As far as Olympic lifts go, I have not lost much, really I haven't lost any explosiveness or strength in the Olympic lifts, if anything I actually felt better about my form because my body finally got the rest it deserved from the constant beating that it got before from the Olympic lifts. 
Squats were a much different story.... leg strength has always been a weakness of mine, and it showed. What was light before felt heavier, plus because of all the walking and tightening of muscle that I have been exposed to since I have been out hear, squatting with a weight just didn't feel all that comfortable. 
I realized that I am improving, with my own body weight, which originally was the goal. If that means sacrificing some strength with heavy weight, I'll take it. 
On the flip side. Running, Biking, Gymnastic movements, everything is feeling great. I'm feeling myself get better with my 200 pound + frame and I am also gaining mass. (Good Mass ;) I am loving life!