Monday: 3 7 minute AMRAPS (back to back)
1. 10 KB Squat Snatches (5 per arm)
10 HSPU's
2. 14 KB Push jerks (7 per arm)
14 burpees
3. 20 KB swings
20 air squats
Tuesday: 21-15-9
DB thrusters w/ 45 pound dumbbells
lateral jumps over 18 inch object
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
Wednesday: 3 rounds:
30 KB swings
30 burpees
30 deck squats
Muscle ups
KB snatch (per arm)
Thursday: 3 hours of football
an hour of baseball
an hour of basket ball
Friday: 3 rounds:
100 double unders
50 push ups
50 hollow rocks
mile run on treadmill
Saturday: 12 minute AMRAP
5 Squat cleans w/ 2 45 pound dumbbells (bumped it up to 10 after round 4)
5 HSPU's with dumbells to increase distance
20 minute AMRAP
10 Pistol Squats (total)
10 burpees
20 Sit ups
9 rounds and some situps
continued after time cut off and went to 11 rounds
Remember how I said I would be working out at a high school gym this week... yeah that didn't happen. Which is a good thing too because I found out that I'm moving to a different area this week.
Over all, very good week of training. I am feeling BETTER! Everything is running smoothly and I feel as though I am improving. The Muscle- up, KB snatch work out on Wednesday was a test. It came from the blog from 5th place 2011 Games finisher Blair Morrison. I wanted to compare and see what my time would be next to his. He got 17:46 at I'm guessing around 6'1 and 185 lbs. I got it done in 18:54 at about 6'2 and 210 lbs. At a bigger frame and a heavier weight, I am happy with that time, but of course I still need to improve. But after completing the 55 muscle up workout, I was satisfied and my wrists absolutely mangled from the false- grip. But I am happy!
Great week! But the nutrition was crappy >:(